Sunday, September 19, 2010

Keeping it Simple

         This weekend was pretty chill. :-) On Friday night, I used up some ingredients in my fridge to make a homemade pizza.  Feta, spinach and tomato pizza.  It was delicious! (and very simple!)  I bought some strawberries and made some whipped cream for dessert.  Then I settled in with a few redbox movies: Letters to Juliet and Date Night.  There is a redbox within walking distance of my apartment which is great for nights in!  Both movies were good.  Letter's to Juliet made me think about my own trip to Verona, Italy for a Summer  Study Abroad experience in 2008.  Date Night was pretty funny with Tina Fey and Steve Carell.  I would recommend them both!

        Saturday morning, I slept in a little and then got up and did my usual Saturday morning routine: Laundry and cleaning the apartment. I also made a great breakfast!  Eggs and Bacon! There was a big game against Iowa.  I was supposed to go to the game and sit in the student section (Zona Zoo), but it filled up so fast, we couldn't get in! Lucky for me, a stranger on the street offered me 2 ticket for free! The game was very intense, but Arizona won!  After the game, I went and watched an after game concert performed by the Pride of Arizona, the schools marching band.
    Sunday went by fast.  I prepared a few meals so that cooking during the week might not be so difficult. We shall see if I can keep life simple!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sometimes you just need to use your instinct

        It is hard to cook on weekdays, with classes going from 5pm to 7:30.  That is prime dinner time you know?  Even living on campus, I generally meet up with classmates to discuss group projects, and therefore get home closer to 8!  No Time to cook.  I have been generating ideas that take little time, or eating leftovers on class days.        
        On Sunday night, I cooked "Steak and Shake" Chili.  Steak and Shake chili is my favorite!  My sister, Alicia, gave me a recipe she claimed was very good.  The secrete ingredients are coco powder and coke!  The chili didn't have time to cook and melt together for a long time :-(.  Overall the taste lacked in spice and the chili was very thick. 
       On Monday I made a lemony mustard pasta.  I had a recipe from a healthy cooking for 2 cookbook, which I followed to the letter. Yet my final product looked nothing like picture.  Nor did it taste as good as I thought it would.  This is where I think instinct plays a role,  I probably should have added a little less garlic, and a little more mustard.  I have leaned that lesson a lot recently.  Sometime, you have to just make a guess and hope for the best.  Especially in the kichen, it is okay to experiment.

       So on Tuesday I "whipped" up beer battered fish tacos after class.  The fish was so tasty with a little avocado salsa. YUMMY!  The only thing that was not so good was the store bought tortillas!  Can't wait to make that recipe again!

       Wednesday was a sandwich during my RA staff meting and some GEORGIA PEACH froyo with the staff after the meeting  (after all, it was my half birthday!).  Today, was some takeout from the University Union (the student meal plan) and Brownies at the Hall Council Executive meeting.  Do you see a theme here?
      The weekend is here, and the next chore is to get creative with the left overs I have in the fridge!  That, and maybe catch up on some homework and class readings!    

Monday, September 13, 2010

Joining the crowd...

            I have never been much of a writer.  The only time I ever managed to keep a journal for more than 3 days was the time I studied abroad in college.  Now I am in Graduate School at the University of Arizona Studying Public Administration and working as a Graduate Community Director.  I live in a very tiny apartment with a very tiny kitchen.  I LOVE the food network and have been inspired to attempt to learn to cook.  Cooking for one, is no easy task either. So I decided to blog my experiences of not just cooing but eating.  I'll probably write most about my cooking adventures (think Julie and Julia) but I hope to include my adventures of not just eating food, but eating for the soul...who knows where this may go?

Here is my kitchen:

Tonight I made Chili...its was not that great :-/ something was lacking in the flavor department.